ANBC Historian’s Report




The venue was the picturesque Country Club in Prospect Vale just outside Launceston Tasmania. All the Zones birds arrived on the Thursday ready for the competition on Saturday and Sunday 25th and 26th of May 2024. The competition was going to be at the highest level, with rumours floating around the preparation room that BCSA was out to take the third place from Sth Queensland this year. Some high-quality budgies had flown into Tassie for this year’s National Show.

This years National was hosted by the BCT, Budgerigar Council of Tasmania which should be listed as the BCTT, meaning the BCT Team, the Team that the Tasmanians have put together was outstanding, the organisation of this event has taken years to put together and once the official National started everyone could see how professional and organised the Zone/State was for the 48th Anbc National.

The first important event was on Friday just after lunch with two candidates sitting their practical Anbc Judges examination. Heath Chasemore and Rob Randall fronted the examination panel with high expectations and they weren’t disappointed with both gentlemen passing and now sit on the Anbc Judges Panel for future Nationals – well done to you both, I heard there was a tear in a dad’s eye after the success of one of the candidates.

The BCT tried something new for the Meet and Greet on the Friday night with “On the Perch” a segment with interviews and chat show type of arrangement similar to the AFL and Footy Shows, this was taken with great enthusiasm with everyone giving the segment a huge thumbs up. The live Streaming is here to stay, the coverage was taken Worldwide through the WBO affiliated countries and Australian Zone clubs. Huge thankyou to the BCT and BCSA coordinated efforts – IT WORKED. Congratulations to them for their effort.

The Twenty-Eight Classes were ready for a great two-day show, again featuring some very impressive Budgerigars. Some great results were achieved with again a couple of regular Hall of Famers featuring in the placings, including Sheppard & Flanagan partnership, J. Leong, Peter Thurn (double wins for PT), Ray Slade (giving Ray his 7th Win and entry to the Breeders Hall of Fame, and Garry and Helen Hibberd from SQ were awarded with two wins. There were lots of first-time winners and a big congratulations to all those breeders, great achievement.

The judges rotated as per sessions so each had the chance to work together at least once. Breeders/exhibitors needed the in-depth reasons why certain placings were made, the Judges did just that. Saturday morning eight classes and then ten classes to finish off the day. Sunday morning the final ten classes, with the auction, Anbc Judges meeting, Melanistic Spangle workshop in the afternoon.

Thanks to all the team carers who met the challenge and worked extremely hard to make sure their Zones birds had the best chance of taking out a Logie for their owners. It is a special kind of person that can bring the birds up to that level taking many years of practise and experience. The Preparation room had a visit from the Tasmanian Governor on Saturday, the Hon. Barbara Baker AC asking questions of the preparers etc, all reports it was an enjoyable visit.

Thanks again to Dave and his helpers from all Zones for the setting up and transportation of the container, everything worked well in that department. Now the long haul up to Cairns for the 49th National hosted by NQBZ. The setting up of the staging. Lightning etc is a specialist position, like a very large jigsaw puzzle, Dave your work is very much appreciated each year.

Thank you to Jon Regan from Golden Cob-Mars for their ongoing support and supplying the 16 bags of seed, millet sprays etc for the team’s usage, all teams chose to arrive during Thursday, again, depending of flights.

BCT had volunteers from all Zones, as stewards and general helpers. The commentary team of Stephen Mowe and Troy Holmes a special mention for their two day’s work, Top job well done.

On the computers, Luke, Glen, Catherine, Carol Gough and the extras, photographer Rob Randall. All contributed to transferring the Judge’s comments along with the photos to Luke and Glen for their streaming to the world.

Judging has started on the Saturday with an even distribution of winners; however, it was easy to see that BCV had everyone covered and the writing was on the wall for another BCV win. However, NSW was going to keep them honest. The big movers were BCSA, they were very constant in their placings during the first day and finished ahead of SQ at the close of play. But there was another full session of judging on Sunday and SQ snuck ahead at the final whistle. NQ were very constant and showed they have had massive improvements in the quality of their birds and will be a dark horse in future Nationals…. Watch out in 2025..Home grown team… advantage.

Congratulations to all the exhibitors……

Final Results.

  1. BCV. 603. 11 WINS
  2. BSNSW 552. 5 WINS
  3. SQBBA 470. 5 WINS
  4. BCSA 464. 3 WINS
  5. NQBZ 349 1 WIN
  6. WABC 289 3 WINS
  7. BCT 208 0 WINS

Congratulations to the Judges Nigel Tonkins (B.C.S.A.), James Bader and Rod Turnbull (B.C.V.), Jim Fletcher (BCT)

The live streaming of the show and results, photos, and comments was greatly received all over the World through the connections with the WBO.

The presentation Dinner was well supported and everyone had a good night relaxing after the two days show and activities. Presentations of Logies, Ian Hunter for achieving in 2023 the Breeders Hall of Fame, Heath Chasemore and Rob Randall were presented with their Anbc Judges Certificates. Plus, BCV was presented once again with the ANBC Shield.

There are ongoing discussions as to the live streaming format through the recently formed Working Group.

Everything finished exceptionally well for the hosts BCT. Congratulations to all associated with the planning and execution of this Special Event.

A very successful four days in Launceston Tasmania, with the common word after the event “it was one of the best” Nationals held.

Neale R Love

ANBC Secretary-Treasurer




The Mecure Hotel in the middle of Ballarat was the venue for the 47th. National Championship Show on the first weekend of June. One week late owing to a miscalculation of confirmation booking requirements. All Zones agreed, so another very successful weekend of Exhibition Budgerigars with the seven Zones from around Australia competing. Organized and managed by the B.C.V. s. Ray and Jane Slade, efficiently and helped with a minimum of fuss by a few hard working enthusiastic members. Congratulations to them for effort.
The Twenty Eight Classes with the inclusion of the Australian White Caps as a point scoring class resulted in a great two day show, again featuring some very powerful Budgerigars. Live streaming was again used as a media to allow all who could not attend to view and be involved. Over 3,000 log on were recorded. Commentary was included by Stephen Mow and Troy Holmes which went over very well even though we had them locked in a cloakroom. Couldn’t risk their comments being overheard in the main auditorium.
The B.C.V. recorded an amazing result winning eighteen classes with four multiple winner. I believe this is a record. It was achieved with a couple of regular Hall of Famers featuring in the placings, including J. Leong three classes, Sheppard & Flanagan partnership winning two, as well as H. Kamel with his first two wins, P. Thurn one, and finally Ian Hunter with three wins elevates him into the Hall of Fame , with a total of nine wins. There were another eight B.C.V. individual winners, along with four each from N.S.W. and S.A. with S.Q. two wins rounding out the major awards. Congratulations to B.C.V. and all the exhibitors and especially their zones team carers for the dedicated work with their team of Budgerigars.
I am advised that registrations were only down eighteen on the last allowable national attendance in Brisbane 2019. A very positive return after pandemic restrictions. Friday and Sunday night functions very well supported.

Friday night Official Opening meet and greet was well supported, with the officiating Judges presented to the exhibitors and guests. Mr Maarten Heylen Belgium. Mr. Kevin O’Callaghan Nth. Qld. MrGary Gazzard. N.S.W. Mr Derek Poole Tasmania. A very pleasant evening.

Also with a not to be missed lecture on Saturday evening after Judging was concluded by Maarten Heylen. A great informative hour as to the hobby in general in Europe.
All functions were in the Hotel. The accommodation in the Mecure was very strong and the staff exemplary . Saturday night was at every-one’s own devices. Sunday presentation dinner was very well supported with 180 plus in attendance and was enjoyed by all who attended. The presentations went mostly very smoothly. The A.N.B.C. secretary had one known Hall of Fame Inductee, for service to the A.N.B.C. Mr Alan Rowe (BCV) and one Breeder Excellence achievement Inductee, Mr Ian Hunter. Achieving the required number of first places. The third Inductee into the Hall of Fame for Service to the A.N.B.C. was myself. Mr Leigh Downey a great honour totally unexpected, bringing a very emotional audience to tears, including myself.
Judging on Saturday and Sunday was a very jovial affair both with returning and new members plus a spattering of interested walk up public spectators. The viewing of the judged exhibits was slightly restrictive, in saying that everyone had ample time to view each class.

The Judging starts at 9.00am sharp as there is a lot to get through. Classes one to ten then a break for lunch then classes eleven to eighteen in the afternoon. There were easy to understand commentary, as to bird placings which in the main was very well received. Saturday morning and afternoon keep the carers on their toes, especially with only a short hour or so break in between but it is unavoidable with 28 classes. We allow the fourth carer in to assist which helps. Thank you to all the team carers who accepted the changes again and worked extremely hard to make the Show the success it was.

The container compliments of a hard working Dave Ganzer and Simon Meagher Ballarat based who housed the container for twelve months had it arrive on time enabling it to be unloaded on time as required successfully. Thank you gentlemen. Also a huge reach out to Dave for his health recovery. A big thank you again to Simon from Golden Cob for his ongoing support of both the A.N.B.C. and myself over the last eight plus years, and being so easy to deal with and accommodating in all aspects of negotiations. Supplying the 16 bags of seed for the teams usage as with 588 birds in attendance to be fed and the show cages changed three times we do use a lot, plus the Auction birds. All teams chose to arrive early on Thursday, again. A bit of travel but all zones managed it.

The B.C V. had just enough volunteers along with Dave Ganzer show manager. On the computers, Luke and Glen, plus Darren Macfarlane, and photographer Rod Turnbull with Carol & Keith Gough (STH. QLD) collating and transferring the Judge’s comments along with the photo’s to Luke Fletcher (TAS) for his streaming to the world.

The Judging teams were introduced being Maarten Heylen (Belgium) Kevin O’Callaghan (Nth.Qld.) Garry Gazzard (B.S.N.S.W.) and Derek Poole (B.C.T.) Started early. Classes one to ten morning. One and a half hours break for lunch then classes eleven to eighteen round out the day. Leaving classes 19 to 28 for Sunday. After 18 classes B.C.V. held a very good lead. Viewing was reasonably easy. The bird change overs from morning to afternoon went smoothly thanks to the team carers and stewards. The in house video was average and scoring put up quickly needed some work plus the poor cage stickers numbering hampered viewing badly. Sunday morning with an early start again with the B.C.V. holding a large lead which was never challenged allowing the B.C.V. to hold on for a big win. Congratulations to all the class winners.

Congratulations to all the VIC. exhibitors, with eighteen Logies won. To the seven zones, team carers for presenting their teams in their best possible condition. The now firmly entrenched Auction was held on the Sunday afternoon and the quality of birds was good and the prices were huge and in my view over the top..

Final Results.

  1. VIC. 666.
  2. N.S.W. 541.
  3. STH.QLD. 481.
  4. S.A. 446.
  5. Nth Qld. 289.
  6. W.A. 274.
  7. TASSIE. 229.

28 Classes. All point scoring.
Four multiple winners were again successful leaving 18 Individual winners giving exhibitors a wide spread of Logie distribution across most Zones.
Congratulations to the Judges Maarten Heylen (Belgium.), Kevin O’Callaghan (Nth. Qld.), Derik Poole (B.C.T.), and Gary Gazzard (B.S.N.S.W.)
The live and delayed streaming of results, photos, and comments was greatly received as far away as the U.K.

Sunday night’s Presentation Dinner in the same venue was impressively set up for a great evening completely sold out. A very nice evening. The Official program sponsors acknowledged Logies presented all in a timely manner including an torrent of tears. The B.C.V. President Mr. Peter Thurn did the M.C. work while A.N.B.C. Secretary Leigh Downey along with James Bader had the pleasure of awarding the presiding judges on the weekend with their commemorative plaques for their work in Judging the weekends competition.
Everything finished exceptionally well for the hosts B.C.V.

The Colour & Standards business was decided earlier and approved by the Delegates . The Judges meeting while convoluted again was also finalised just in time for the dinner.
The A.N.B.C. Delegates met on a Monday electronically as is the requirement and a few notices of business were dealt with. Peter Thurn chaired the meeting, and all business was conducted in a timely manner.

The new President for 2023 / 2024 will be Mr. Roy Blair. BCT.
Secretary Mr. Neale Love. S.Q.
Public Officer. Mr. Stuart Foster.
Historian. To be decided.

There is ongoing discussion as to electronic movement into the management of the A.N.B.C. Plus a wider live streaming of the National Competition.
A very successful three days in Ballarat Victoria. Again congratulations to the B.C.V. Peter Thurn, Ray Slade, the B.C.V. Councillors, and all the people from the Zone that committed and produced a great event. Launceston is the city in Tasmania for the 2024 National Competition and everyone is looking forward to challenging the B.C.V. for bragging rights to try to wrest the Shield away.

Leigh A. Downey.
A.N.B.C. Inc. Historian.

As I have been doing this report since 2006 taking over from Ron Hunt, I feel it is time for a rest so I urge someone to put their hand up to write these essential reports in the ensuing years. Enjoyment in Budgerigars. Cheers.


The McCracken Country Club and Venue centre in Victor Harbor about an hour out of Adelaide  was the venue for the 46th. National Championship Show on the fourth weekend in May. After a two year break owing to restrictions caused by the pandemic.  Another very successful weekend of Exhibition Budgerigars with the seven Zones from around Australia competing.  Organized and strictly managed by the B.C.S.A. owing to ongoing concerns as to the Covid pandemic.  With a minimum of fuss and very small available, management committee and just enough helpers the two days of judging proceeded efficiently. Congratulations to them for effort. The Twenty Eight Classes with the inclusion of the Australian White Caps as an Exhibition class was a great two day show, again featuring some very powerful Budgerigars.  Some great result were achieved with again a couple of regular Hall of Famers featuring in the placings, including Sheppard & Flanagan partnership, J. Leong each with two wins,  then the new kid on the block  from the BCV. Ray Slade managing four classes, and Jim Meale  taking out two classes also from the BCV. With Barry Wise from BSNSW also a double winner. The rest of the classes were won by sixteen individual exhibitors including the exhibition class. With the B.C.V. amassing a record score with fifteen different class wins. Congratulations to B.C.V. Also to the dedicated team carers from all Zones who adapted to the different conditions admirably.

With a very different format for the weekend and no major functions or public allowed for the viewing, live streaming, including commentary was introduced. A fabulous uptake for people around Australia, with over 3,500 hits which enabled them to enjoy the show. Sunday afternoon immediately after the final class was judged a small presentation of awards took place of the Logies mainly accepted by the team carers and to the Judges also including the induction into the Hall of Fame for services to the ANBC over many years. Two recipients ; Mr. Nigel Tonkin and Mr. Neale Love. Congratulations to these gentlemen. The only down side was the A.N.B.C. Shield was not available to be presented.

The transportation of the container was very well managed and everything worked well in that department. The judge rotated as per sessions so each had the chance to work together at least once.  There was a very good commentary with precise explanations, as to bird placings which would have been a bit better if the judges held the microphone up. Just a small learning curve. Most  viewers  were satisfied with the comments.  Cannot please everyone.  Saturday morning eight classes and in the afternoon six classes. Sunday morning eight classes and in the afternoon the final six classes. Starting from one to twenty eight no more odds and evens. The early start and positive Judging made for good timing completion on both days. Thank you to all the team carers who accepted the challenge and worked extremely hard to make the Show the success it was.

As always big thank you to Simon from Golden Cob for his ongoing support and supplying the 16 bags of seed for the teams usage as with nearly all zones filling all classes there a lot of birds to be fed and the with the show cages changed three times we do use a lot of seed.   All teams chose to arrive early on Thursday, again.

B.C.S.A. had just enough volunteers plus me, as stewards, along with Dave Ganzer show manager and Troy Holmes live streaming controller. A special mention of the two amigo’s Gary Gazzard and Mark Fellows for their two day’s work in foyer away from the birds totally relying on Troy and his camera man to commentate on the complete show. Terrific job well done.

On the computers, led by Wayne Bandt, again assisted by Luke, and Glen, photographers Rod Turnbull & James Bader. All contributed to transferring the Judge’s comments along with the photo’s to Luke and Glen for their streaming to the world.

Saturday morning early start and not long before the BCV leapt ahead and were never challenged. Sunday morning with an early start again with the B.C.V. holding a large lead which was never really challenged. Congratulations to all the VIC. exhibitors, with fifteen Logies won.

To the seven zones, team carers for presenting their teams in very trying conditions even getting there congratulations.

Final Results. 

  1. VIC.                629.
  2. STH.QLD.      504.
  3. N.S.W.            502.
  4. S.A.                  397.
  5. W.A.                306.
  6. NCQ.               281.
  7. TASSIE.           191.

27 Classes. All point scoring. 1. Exhibition Class no points.

Multiple winners were again successful in five classes with sixteen Individual winners giving exhibitors a wide spread of Logie distribution including the Exhibition class.

Congratulations to the Judges John Mulley (B.C.S.A.), Peter Thurn (B.C.V.), Scott Eriksen (Nth & Cent. Qld), and  Stephen Mow (B.C.V.)

The live streaming of the show and results, photos, and comments was greatly received as far away as the U.K.

Sunday night’s casual dinner was well supported.

Everything finished exceptionally well for the hosts .B.C.S.A. Congratulations to all associated with the planning and execution of the show.

The Colour & Standards business along with any Judges business will be decided within the next week as will the annual meeting be a zoom meeting on Friday 3rd of June

There are ongoing discussions as to the live streaming format.

This was a lovely area of South Australia and it is a shame it could not be enjoyed by more people.

A very successful four days in Victor Harbor.  Ballarat Victoria is the city for 2023 National competition and everyone is looking forward to challenging the B.C.V. for bragging rights to try to wrest the Shield away.  Hopefully back to a full on show.

Leigh A. Downey.