Australian National Budgerigar Council, Incorporated By-law 10 


This By-law on Communication is an expansion of the ANBC Constitution Clause 15 (Annual Meetings Business at) 

It establishes a clear line of communication to States and Zones on all matters attended by the ANBC that in turn must be communicated to all levels of the fancy. 

Current communication minimum timeframes in the ANBC Constitution are as follows – 

(Timeframes below are based on the ANBC meetings being 4th weekend in May) 



  • Member Bodies to the ANBC – 4th weekend in February or prior to 31st December for matters that could be completed prior to meeting in May 
  • ANBC Agenda to Member Bodies – 31st March 

These minimum timeframes are set guidelines given they appear in the Constitution and are also geared to ensure internal bodies have inter-communication prior to Delegates Meeting. 


  • Member Bodies Colour and Standards matters to Co-Ordinator – 31st December 
  • Colour and Standards Co-Ordinator Agenda to ANBC Secretary – 31st January 
  • Colour and Standards that could be completed earlier Electronically can be submitted at any time prior to 31st January  
  • If the entire content of any Colour and Standards Agenda can be addressed Electronically the Co-Ordinator should endeavour to do so to free up time on the normal meeting weekend. 
  • ANBC Judges matters (from AN BC Judges only) – 4th weekend in February 
  • ANBC Judges Agenda to all accredited Judges – 31st March  

The ANBC Secretary will also advise any matters to sub groups for inclusion in their Agendas in sufficient time to allow their full Agendas to issue by 31st January. 

 Late submissions will not form part of any current Agenda and will need to be held over until a following Delegates or Sub Group Meeting. 

 Other matters raised at Meetings will be based on DISUSSION ONLY items and if deemed necessary formalised in a future Delegates Meeting or action by Postal Vote at a predetermined time. 

 Any Motion submitted must establish formally any change to ANBC documentation so that all Member Bodies can issue that motion to seek ratification to approve in the same format. This process will ensure all Member Bodies are fully conversant with any complete change when finally ratified. 

 Any motion or action deemed by the ANBC or its Sub Groups to be of MAJOR SIGNIFICANCE must meet the following guidelines and timelines – 

  • 12 months notification is required to ensure all Member Bodies are conversant with the motion or action along with the intended content. (Inclusion within minutes in the past years ANBC correspondence is sufficient or a direct issuance between all member bodies with greater than 12 months notification) 
  • Once a motion or action is presented to the ANBC or it’s Sub Groups, whether passed or rejected no further motion or action that would achieve a similar outcome can be presented or undertaken on that matter for a period of five (5) full years. 
  • Given the importance of these matters policy voting requirements on the issues are to be based on a 70% majority rather than a simple majority as with other general motions. This increased voting majority ensures acceptance is wide spread throughout States and Zones. 
  • The ANBC Executive can determine a motion of MAJOR SIGNIFICANCE however should that determination be made by a sub group the Co-Ordinator of that sub group must seek confirmation from the current ANBC Executive that the determination is correct. The presenter of the motion is then to be advised of that determination. 

Lines of Communication after all annual meetings to be as follows –  

  • ANBC Colour and Standards Co-Ordinator to Delegates
    •  Co-Ordinator verbally or formally presents minutes of their meeting to Delegates and includes any implementation dates for inclusion in The Standard. 
    • ANBC Secretary documents meeting acceptance in full ANBC Minutes. 
    • Co-Ordinator submits full minutes to ANBC Secretary for confirmation / vetting of content and final distribution in Delegates Meeting minutes within 7 days of that Delegates meeting  
    • Any Penalty and Disqualification changes accepted from Judges must be in a completed format to be included directly into The Standard. 
    • Co-Ordinator attends changes to The Standard in a timely manner and these changes are reviewed by the ANBC Secretary for accuracy before being authorized for inclusion on the Web Site and distribution to all Member Bodies. These changes are recorded and dated within The Standard document 
    • Co-Ordinator maintains a complete and final copy of The Standard 
  • ANBC Judges Co-Ordinator to Delegates 
    • Co-Ordinator verbally or formally presents minutes of their meeting to Delegates and includes any implementation dates and wording in a completed format to be included directly into The Standard. 
    • ANBC Secretary documents meeting acceptance in full ANBC Minutes. 
    • ANBC Judges Co-Ordinator to issue final minutes to all ANBC Judges. 
    • ANBC Judges expand details of minutes in States /Zones wherever possible. 
    • Co-Ordinator submits full minutes to ANBC Secretary for confirmation / vetting of content and final distribution in Delegates Meeting minutes within 7 days of that Delegates meeting. 
  • ANBC to States and Zones  
    • ANBC Secretary to distribute all completed minutes (includes final Judges and C & S) as soon as practicable to State and Zone Secretaries. 
    • Any notes of interest are to be included in the first issue of Council Chatter following the Delegates meeting. 
  • States and Zones to member bodies, Clubs and Members 
    • Distribution of all documentation to be passed to all relevant bodies, Clubs and Members within the State or Zone. 
    • Method and processes of this distribution is at the entire discretion of the States and Zones. 
  • Electronic Meetings held outside general Delegates Meeting 
    • Any content discussed at these meetings must be distributed to States and Zones for full discussion by Executives prior to any meeting. General Constitutional timeframes are to apply. 
    • Any Motions voted on at these meetings can only be passed where the Member Body has authorized a representative to vote. Voting to be in accordance with the Quorum requirements. State Secretaries should minute this authorization to comply with ANBC Constitution. 
    • Matters presented at these meetings must be minuted and discussed for resolution at future meetings. 


The Australian National Budgerigar Council Inc accepts no responsibility for any failings in this process if their actions are attended in line with requirements in this By-Law.Â