Australian National Budgerigar Council, Incorporated By-law 9 (a)              

Policy on the use of Copyright Material


  1. Each Member Body (State or Zone) may use any Australian National Budgerigar Council Inc. (ANBC) Copyright material for promoting the hobby.
  2. Any individual, Club or Branch from within an ANBC Member Body (State or Zone) is able to use specified ANBC Copyright material, after obtaining written permission from State or Zone or ANBC, if the material is required for non-commercial or personal use. This permission request should stipulate what aspect of copyright material is sought to be re-produced.
  3. Any individual or company may seek to use the Copyright material for promoting the hobby after obtaining permission from the ANBC. Again the permission request should stipulate what aspect of copyright is sought to be reproduced.
  4. Where a financial gain is likely and for commercial projects, a minimal fee may be required by the ANBC for the use of the material. A larger fee in Australian dollars may be sought and negotiated for larger projects.
  5. In each instance, “Australian National Budgerigar Council Inc. (A.N.B.C. Inc.) 2003” is to be inserted on the material being used OR if required for a verbal / visual presentation via DVD, CD or the like, the following ‘permission is granted’ clause is required ‘Permission has been granted by the Australian National Budgerigar Council Inc. to use this material’ and is to be stated and/or displayed during any such presentation. (Photography is covered under separate By-law 9 (b)
  1. Permission is to be sought by contacting the ANBC Secretary or the Secretary of any State or Zone affiliated to the ANBC. Contact details can be found at the ANBC Web Site.  In each instance, the ANBC Secretary is to be advised of any such approval in due course.
  2. A written or verbal response shall be given, within a reasonable time, to the person who has made the request. If verbal permission has been granted, follow up advice in writing is to be sent to confirm either the request or the permission to use the requested material.
  3. Approval does not include the use of ANBC Name or Copyright material for merchandising unless approval is specifically granted by the ANBC in writing. This exclusion does not apply to the ANBC Member Body to Host the next year’s National Championship Show and associated events.