Australian National Budgerigar Council Incorporated By –Law 2(a) 

A.N.B.C. Judges Panel 

  1. The A.N.B.C. Judges Panel shall consist of all A.N.B.C. accredited Judges provided they still meet the criteria of these By Laws.
  2. The Judges Panel
    • [a] Will meet annually in conjunction with the Australian National Budgerigar Championship Show, one member of the Judges Panel will be elected to chair the meeting.   The meeting shall deal with any business arising in relation to the Judges Panel and the Judging of The Australian National Budgerigar Council Championship Show.
    • [b] The A.N.B.C. Judges Panel Coordinator shall attend the A.N.B.C Annual General Meeting to present a brief of the Judges Panel meeting, but will have no voting rights unless he / she is also a State / Zone Delegate.
  3. The A.N.B.C. Judges Panel Coordinator shall submit a report in writing to the A.N.B.C Secretary within 21 days of the meeting, on all aspects of the Judges Panel business.
  4. Conduct of Examinations for A.N.B.C. Accreditation.
    • [a] The examinations in any year will be for a maximum of seven candidates made up as follows:
      • [i] One candidate from each State or Zone.
      • [ii] If a State / Zone does not nominate a candidate, the host State or Zone has priority to provide a replacement, the next host State or Zone has second priority.
    • [b] The examination shall be in the form of a written test and a practical examination. The Judges Panel Coordinator will liaise with the host State / Zone to make appropriate arrangements to enable the examining panel to conduct the examination. Candidates that sit the Australian National Judges examination will be required to:
      • [i] Sit a theory examination that is produced using the ‘AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL BUDGERIGAR COUNCIL ‘The Standard’ from pages containing Pictorials onward, plus the Penalty and Disqualification Clauses for Guidance of A.N.B.C. Judges, as the source of the examination material.
        Pass mark 85%.
      • On passing [i], [ii] is to be attempted.
      • [ii] Identify 10 varieties of budgerigars, as selected by the examination panel, advising the Class / Series that each of those varieties should be exhibited in at an ANBC Show. Eg Lacewing Opaline Yellow Cock in Lacewing Class, Dominant Pied Spangle Opaline Light Green Hen in Dominant Pied Class, Normal Grey Green Cock in Normal Green Series etc (for the purpose of the examination the Hens Class to be excluded).
        Pass Mark 100%.
      • On passing [ii], [iii] is to be attempted.
      • [iii] Judge two Classes of 10 birds, one being a Normal Green Series Class and the other being a Variable Class made up of the 10 Variable birds identified in [ii] of the test by the candidate.   The examination panel is to assess the performance of each candidate over a 10-minute period for each of the two Classes of birds being judged.
        Pass Mark 85%
    • [c] The examination will take place prior to the Australian Championship Show.
  5. Examining Panel
    The examining Panel will be five in number and be accredited A.N.B.C. Judges, and if possible, all members should be from different States or Zones.   Membership of the examining Panel is limited to a four-year term. Retirements from the examining Panel and their replacements will be resolved on a voluntary basis, with balloting if necessary to reduce numbers.   The Panel to act on their own expense or supported by their own State / Zone. Judges Panel coordinator is to retain a list of those Judges having sat on the panel in the past.
  6. Candidates for Examination
    • [a] Nominations for the A.N.B.C. Judges accreditation examination are to be directed to or from State / Zone member body Secretaries to the National Secretary by the 1st March in each year. Late nominations will be accepted providing places are available.
    • [b] All applicants must belong to a member body of the A.N.B.C.
    • [c] Applicants must meet the following criteria:
      • [i] They must be Judges of a higher standing from their State / Zone, be an Open / Champion exhibitor and be a recognised member of their senior State / Zone Budgerigar Judges Panel for a period of no less than two years.
      • [ii] They must be currently / actively involved in Breeding and Exhibiting Budgerigars.
    • [d] Candidates are to be nominated by their State / Zone body.
  7. Criteria for Ongoing A.N.B.C. Accreditation
    • [a] To remain as an A.N.B.C. accredited Judge an accredited Judge must:
      • [i] Currently be an active Breeder and Exhibitor of Budgerigars.
      • [ii] Currently be officiating as a Judge within their State or Zone.
    • [b] A letter confirming the above details must be forwarded to the Judges Panel Coordinator every seven years by State or Zone bodies. [Sooner if necessary].
  8. CostsAll costs associated with attendance to Annual Meetings shall be incurred by the individual members, with exception to postage, phone, stationery, charges incurred by the Judges Panel Coordinator.Updated January 18 PG