Australian National Budgerigar Council (ANBC) Inc. By –Law 3(a)

Protocol for Handling Colour and Standards Matters


The aim of this Protocol/By Law is to outline the requirements for handling Colour and Standards matters.



  • The National Colour and Standards Committee is a Sub-committee appointed by the ANBC. It is required to report annually to Council at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Member Bodies of the ANBC nominate a delegate to the sub-committee, which is required to meet annually prior to reporting to Council at the AGM.   The sub-committee recommends annually, to Council for ratification, a National Colour and Standards Co-ordinator to hold this position for the ensuing year.
  • Should tasks be insignificant or minor Electronic correspondence with Delegates may be sufficient to allow the Co-ordinator to present findings to Council.
  • In relation to Council task list matters, which are ongoing between meetings, this sub-committee reports through its Co-ordinator to Council.  This reporting is through the ANBC National Secretary/Treasurer by post, fax or electronic medium in accordance with Section 12 of the ANBC Constitution.



  • Colour and Standards matters may be progressed at any time by Member Bodies to the ANBC National Secretary/Treasurer. These matters will be referred to the National Colour and Standards sub-committee for consideration and advice before a final decision is made by council.
  • Items for inclusion on the Agenda for the annual meeting of the Colour and Standards sub-committee may be referred to the National Colour and Standards Co-ordinator by the Member Body Secretary or Colour and Standards Committee.    These items are required no later than 31 March.



  • The Colour and Standards Task List includes matters referred by Council or items contained on the agenda for the council AGM which require a Colour and Standards sub-committee recommendation or report.



  • Amendments to the Standard may be updates or changes to existing sections or include new sections including new Variety Standards.


Update/Amend Existing Sections.

  • Following Colour and Standards Sub-committee consideration of proposed updates/amendments to existing sections of the Standard a recommendation is to be made to Council as part of the Annual Report.   If the recommendation is ratified by Council the following is to occur:
  • The National Colour and Standards Co-ordinator drafts a proposed update/amendment to The Standard.
  • National Secretary/Treasurer on behalf of Council endorses update/amendment to The Standard.
  • Changes are incorporated in the master copy of the Standard by the National Standards Co-ordinator.
  • Amendment to the Standard is issued
  • National Secretary, as a sole authority, arranges for update to be include on Web Site
  • Both the council Secretary and the Colour and Standards Co-ordinator are to hold a master copy of the entire document once amendments are incorporated.

New Sections.

  • New sections may be included in the Standard if they are ratified by Council. For example, the Penalty and Disqualification Clauses for the Guidance of Judges and Exhibitors was included in the Standard (2003) by direction of Council.

New Variety Standards.

For New Varieties recommended for inclusion in the Standard, recommendations are to include:

  • Proposed Variety Standard following the format used for varieties already contained in The Standard and including any suggested notes to the standard.
  • Reasons to justify inclusion:
  • Detailed summary of breeding results including genetic information in relation to the proposed variety ie. Dominant, Recessive, Semi-dominant, Sex Linked etc.,
  • Variety features which differentiate it from other Standard varieties.
  • Compound Varieties included in its make-up ie Rainbow = Yellow Faced Blue Opaline Clearwing.
  • Suggested placement in the Matrix, supported by reasons, and including suggested groups for combinations.
  • Popularity ie. Gaining popularity with breeders and exhibitors and is being exhibited in NSV Classes in significant numbers (Detail is to be provided).
  • Promotion – who is promoting the variety and with what frequency?
  • Proposed date for inclusion in the Standard.
  • Recommendation in relation to inclusion in the National Competition.



Formal amendments to The Standard when completed and endorsed are to be distributed to State/Zone Secretary’s by electronic means through Council Chatter.   The State/Zone is then to distribute the details of these amendments to members by whatever means gains the widest coverage to those members. The amendments will have been loaded electronically on the Master Copy of The Standard available on the ANBC Website.



While the standard had previously been produced in hard copy loose-leaf form to facilitate timely amendment when considered necessary by Council it will always be available electronically for download however The Standard remains the intellectual property of the ANBC and is subject to change only as instructed in this By-Law.