The Australian National Budgerigar Council (A.N.B.C.) Annual Championship Show shall be conducted annually from the Friday prior to the weekend commencing the fourth Saturday in May. Every member body of the A.N.B.C. is invited to provide and exhibit a team of birds for the competition. Each team shall consist of a maximum of three birds per class, to be housed in the host State / Zone nominated secured area. No other entries shall be accepted whatsoever. 

Each team shall consist of young birds owned and bred by exhibitors representing that State / Zone and must be rung with one closed ring of the appropriate colour for that year marked with the ANBC symbol. No other rings, be they plastic or metal, are permitted on any exhibit. Any changes to ring markings can only be authorised with the Ring Maker by the current ANBC Secretary. There shall be no entry fee charged for competing teams. Proof of ownership of an exhibit shall be the responsibility of the State / Zone which it represents. 

A two-day format may be adopted by a State / Zone with the number of classes being distributed over the two days at the discretion of that State / Zone as to the number of classes judged in each block. However, the adoption of classes for each day’s blocks in a two-day format is to be strictly in line with the class numbers listed below and overall blocks are to be presented in strict numerical order.  

Examples are follows – 

  • Day one AM – Classes 1-10 
  • Day one PM – Classes 11-18 
  • Day two AM – Classes 19-28 

Two years of advance notification of the proposed show format (one or two day) is to be advised by each State/Zone. 

On the morning of the show, birds shall be caged up and handed over to the host State / Zone. Benching and judging commencement times are to be advised by the host State / Zone well in advance of the Show, noting that the judging commencement time is to be no later than 10a.m. on any given day. 

Classes for the Show are: 


Note:   ASV = Any Standard Variety (see Standard). ASC = Any Standard Colour. AOSV = Any Other Standard Variety 



 At least one representative from each competing State / Zone is to be in attendance to care for its team and prepare the birds for competition. Teams may be finalised at the venue prior to the commencement of the Show (day 1), as there may be birds for selection from outside centres or borderline towns. Substitution of birds into a team after this time is not permitted. Excess birds are not to be housed with the team. 

 All entries within a class shall be judged from first through to last in view of exhibitors and the public. First placed bird gains maximum points last placed gains the minimum. Birds disqualified for whatever reason within a class shall gain no points. 

 If there is any evidence of trimming (other than spots), dying or bleaching of feathers or any other practice that is deemed to be not sporting in relation to the removal or inserting of feathers or any other activity, this shall cause reason for the disqualification of that exhibit. 

 A bird shall be disqualified if it is exhibited with a ring that has been tampered with. Note: other reasons for disqualifications relating to rings appear in para 2 of Format at the commencement of this document (Format and Rules).  

 The judges of any exhibit may initiate disqualification if in their opinion a breach as per the above or as per the ANBC Penalty and Disqualification clauses has occurred. This disqualification will be announced after consultation and agreement by the majority of at least 4 of the officiating judges to ensure absolute support for each of them. (Note: in some shows, there may be more than two pair of judges officiating). 

There shall be no avenue available for delegates, team carers or any other persons to lodge a protest or protests, against the exhibits or the judging thereof at A.N.B.C. Championship Shows. On the question of merit, the judges’ decisions are absolute and final. On the question of eligibility, if there is some doubt, all officiating Judges on the day shall adjudicate and their decision shall be absolute and final. 

An individual bird is eligible to be shown once only in a one or two-day formatted Show. 

Points Allocation and Scoring Process – 

While 21 birds are currently exhibited in each class (3 from each State/Zone) only the two (2) adjudicated higher placed birds from each State/Zone will be allocated points in the Shield competition of the day. This decision has been agreed by Council to retain an evenness in the competition between the larger and smaller States/Zones. 

Rosettes however will be allocated to birds in line with the adjudicated placing 

General Rules 

No variation in the base colour of the year ring is acceptable, as rings are purchased from the same source Australia wide and follow the international colour code 

Colour sequence is:  

20 Green 

21 Violet 

22 Orange 

23 Dark Blue 

24 Red 

All A.N.B.C. recognized rings which display the ANBC symbol, are made available to fanciers in all States/Zones only through the State/Zone Ring Registrars of the Council, being Qld Nth and Cent Zone, S.Q.B.B.A., B.S.N.S.W., B.C.V., B.C.T., B.C.S.A and W.A.B.C.  No other bodies are to be supplied rings by the nominated ring supplier which display the ANBC symbol.  A.N.B.C. Member Bodies are to be responsible for the distribution of the coded and uncoded ring issue and subsequent orders. 

 The initial ring issue date is to be from the 1st of January annually or at a date predetermined by the ANBC.   Each State / Zone has the responsibility to decide when it shall issue rings, initially and internally, but not prior to the 1st of January or the predetermined date.  As a guide, States/Zones are not to issue or post any rings ordered for distribution at the initial order stage, more than five (5) Australia Post delivery days prior to the change over ring issue date. 

The A.N.B.C. Secretary is to notify the designated / contracted ring manufacturer before April each year of any change to the symbol which shall be etched onto all rings distributed to A.N.B.C. affiliated societies. Each exhibit at the A.N.B.C. Championship Show must have the designated symbol upon the ring. 


  • Panels of two judges shall judge the AN.B.C. Championship Show. 
  • No more than half the number of judges are to be home State / Zone Judges. 
  • Half or more of the number of judges may be Interstate judges. 
  • Two judges may be appointed from a State/Zone. 
  • One International Judge may be appointed in a State or Zone’s ANBC Judging Team provided that the appointee is recognised on the World Budgerigar Organisation’s Judges listing.  

 A list of eligible accredited A.N.B.C. Judges shall be made available to the host State / Zone annually by the A.N.B.C. Judges Panel Co-ordinator to enable selection of judges for the A.N.B.C. Championship Show under the current guidelines. 

Judges appointed to the A.N.B.C. Championship Show must: 

  1. Have no exhibit in the event; 
  2. Take no part in team selection; 
  3. Be completely isolated from judging associated events conducted prior to or on the same day/s as the A.N.B.C. Championship Show. 
  4. Be totally isolated from competing teams of birds prior to and during the competition. 
  5. Not be used more than twice in any five-year period. 
  6. Judge in accordance with the A.N.B.C. Judges Code of Performance.
    (and the Format for National Shows) 

Judges’ expenses that MAY be borne by the host State / Zone are as follows: 

  • Accommodation for Friday, Saturday and Sunday; 
  • Complimentary admission to all activities during this period; 
  • Transportation. 

Note: None of the above can be presumed. 


Host State/Zone 

 The host State / Zone shall provide a venue for the competition, together with A.N.B.C. Standard Show cages for visiting teams.  The host State/Zone, when hosting the ANBC National Championship Show, must ensure the required number of Show Cages that must conform to the Standard and be in as new condition, freshly cleaned. 

 These cages are supplied by the A.N.B.C. and stored within the Shipping Container owned by the ANBC and numbers are to be checked to ensure correctness of cage numbers and that cages are undamaged before the event. 

 The host State / Zone will arrange suitable storage of the A.N.B.C. container before, during and after the event such that damage is only restricted to usual wear and tear. 

 The A.N.B.C. through the host State / Zone shall provide trophies for the class winners. 

 The host State / Zone shall provide a rosette for every bird in every class. Rosettes are to be presented for all placings at the ANBC Show, larger Rosettes should to be provided to the first seven placings. 

The host State / Zone shall ensure provision of the A.N.B.C owned and recognised holding cages for each team represented. These cages will be assembled in blocks and be positioned in a secured habitat for the individual teams. All entry to cages must be able to be locked when not in use. Each of the cages is to be of the standard size as recognised by the A.N.B.C. and to contain four (4) perches together with feed, grit and water containers. Each ‘individual’ holding cage block is to have a removable partitions (slide) to facilitate the handling of birds i.e. 2 cubicles per holding cage or 12 per the complete State/Zone unit when all slides are in place. 

 Note: Guidelines for conducting A.N.B.C. Championship Shows and Associated Events are attached at the end of this document. 

 The host State / Zone shall provide mixed seed for all holding cages and show cages. The mixed seed to be of a premium budgerigar mix. 

 Adequate facilities to hold visiting teams with flying space after the A.N.B.C. Championship Show should be provided for a period of up to forty-eight (48) hours until the visiting teams depart, if a facility beyond this time is requested a 90-day notice in advance must be given to the host State/Zone. 

 The host State / Zone shall ensure that general entry to the nominated secured area (bird holding area) is restricted to four (4) representatives (bird handlers/carers) from each State / Zone by the issue of an appropriate pass. Special entry to this area by interested persons shall be at the sole discretion of the host State / Zone show manager and if granted, they shall be accompanied by a designated person from the host State/Zone. 

 The host State / Zone shall advise all visiting States / Zones of any travel concessions arranged for teams. 

 The A.N.B.C. shall provide judging stands suitable for the exhibits to be benched on two levels.  It is desirable that judging stands at the A.N.B.C. Championship Shows be adjustable for height and have fixed shelving.  This shelving should have a raised rear lip but no front lip. 

 The cage number sticker / award placement number is to be placed on the right-hand side of the bottom rail of the show cage and an alphabetic identification sticker placed on the left- hand side of the bottom rail when viewed from the front. This identification sticker should be clearly visible over a long distance to assist public viewing. 

 The host State / Zone shall arrange the itinerary for the event to encompass Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to allow FULL TIME for the A.N.B.C. Sub-Committee meetings, Judges Panel examinations, the A.N.B.C. Championship Show (one or two day) and the A.N.B.C. Annual Meeting on the Monday. 

  • A one-day show – a local show on the Saturday, the A.N.B.C. Championship Show on the Sunday.
  • A two-day show -the judging of all classes of the A.N.B.C. Championship Show on the Saturday and Sunday (see Format above),

The host State / Zone shall supply at least one isolation cage per team and have veterinary assistance available to the state teams. 

 The host State / Zone shall reserve twenty-two (22) seats at the front of the viewing gallery of the A.N.B.C. Championship Show, three (3) per State / Zone being for their representatives and one (1) for the veterinary surgeon. 



 An A.N.B.C. Championship Show shield is to be provided for the competition. This shield is to be perpetual and engraved with the name of the annual winning State / Zone. The cost to be borne equally by the member bodies. 


New Member Bodies 

 Any new member body must be a State / Zone and must make application to the A.N.B.C. for membership. When membership is accepted, the new member body must participate in the competition for three (3) consecutive years to qualify as a host for the A.N.B.C. Championship Show. 




  1. Guidelines for Conducting A.N.B.C. Championship Shows and Associated Events. 
  1. Guidelines –  Points to Consider in ANBC Requirements – Presentation Dinner on Sunday evening.
  2. ANBC Container – Suggested Requirements
  3. ANBC Judges’ Panel – Requirements
  4. Definitions – Birds at the National
  5. Bird Welfare


Attachment 1 to ANBC BY-LAW 1 (a)                                                                        



  • The venue is the priority. It should have an area of at least 500 sq metres for the judging area and gallery. Anything larger is a bonus as the gallery varies from zone to zone, with as many as 100 to 250 people watching the judging. As a guide, one basketball court with one metre surrounds is 510 sq metres. 
  • Another area of approx 100 sq metres is required, in close proximity, for the holding cages/aviaries. This area should be made available from midday on the Thursday to allow acceptance of State/Zone teams birds and, in turn, give sufficient time for teams to settle before commencement of the event. 
  • The whole venue should have plenty of light, natural or artificial. Preferred lighting at the National Competition Show is daylight natural light.  If this is not available a non-spotlight artificial daylight equivalent should be used. 
  • No less than 2 metres of space between aisles when birds on display. 
  • Ample aisle space in judging auditorium – remember judging may take more than 4 hours and people will want to move around. 
  • Good viewing conditions during the show, i.e. raised judge’s dais – or tiered seating in auditorium – or TV monitors. 
  • Seating accommodation for at least the number of registrations received. 
  • Score board, (fixed, portable or electronic) large enough to be seen by all and be displayed in a suitable position. 
  • Uniform two / three tier judging stage. 
  • Uniform approach to methods of judging i.e. from left to right on both tiers, etc 
  • Adequate training of Stewards to expertly move birds as required. 
  • Training of a head steward to take details of placings for the scorers. 
  • It is preferred that judging commence at 9:30am but not later than 10.00am on show day (s). That surely allows enough time for birds to be selected, prepared and caged as well as settling down for the first two classes. 
  • Sheets with each zone cage numbers can be issued to spectators once judging has commenced. This will make it easier to name the winning exhibitor for record purposes and to extend congratulatory remarks. 
  • A good PA system is necessary and other electronic enhancements add value to the event. 
  • Host State/Zone is required to provide a work area for the ANBC during the event.  


Viewing Time 

  • The minimum viewing time should be 1½ hours. Again, people have paid a lot of money to see the exhibits. 
  • The zone delegates/representatives should have first access to the birds for photographs and slides to be taken. Approximately 1/2 hour is needed before the general public is permitted to take photographs. 
  • There should be no lectures, presentations or activities programmed for immediately after the Show.  i.e. during viewing time. 
  • Apart from the show, the venue should have some facilities for food and drinks, not necessarily hard drink, as people are going to be there all day and will be looking for something during the day. 
  • Holding cages to be adequate size and if possible to be positioned so they have natural light and ventilation. 
  • Sufficient room and bench space for each team to prepare birds prior to the show. 
  • If possible, the venue and the accommodation should be under one roof. Where this is not possible, a regular shuttle bus service between accommodation and show venue should be available. 
  • If an ideal venue, visitors not using the accommodation cannot or should not expect to be brought to the venue from all over the city. However, they should be met on arrival. 
  • The needs of the bird carers should be given particular attention i.e. meals, where because of their duties they are unable to access what is available to other fanciers. Transport arrangements should be made, where transport to the team venue is necessary. Carers should not have to make their own way to the venue simply because they need to travel at early/late times. 
  • Host State to organize with sponsor airline the return of birds to home states or zones for minimal costs. (Only applicable if birds return unaccompanied) 
  • Streaming online and making videos and photographs available is something to be commended. 


  • Family members not interested in budgies should be catered for, so that everybody enjoys “the Nationals”. States/Zones have benefited from giving out a handout with a list of possible tours and activities in the year prior to the show. 

Social Events 

  • These events contribute enormously to the meeting and mixing of people from all over the country and overseas. It is a belief that tours and other social events need just as much planning and attention to detail, as putting on the Championship Show. It is particularly desirable that advertised descriptions of tours should reflect the reality of the actual tour, otherwise people will feel let down and disappointed. 


Attachment 2 to ANBC BY-LAW 1 (a) 


Early in evening 

  1. Welcome to attendees by ANBC President and Committee.

    • Acknowledgement of National Sponsors, and their representatives in attendance.
    • Acknowledgement of the Judges for the National in attendance.
    • Acknowledgement of overseas contingent/visitors
    • No set Order
  2. Congratulations to the winning State/Zone.
    • Handover of the A.N.B.C. Shield.  Call on the President or representative of previous year’s winning state/ zone to hand over to current winner. President/rep winning State/Zone will want right of reply.   Shield will be returned by previous winner and will be available at the Event from National Secretary.
  3. ANBC Presentation to the Judges of the National.   ANBC Committee to present these, preferably with Golden Cob Rep in attendance.  Awards will be available from the National Secretary.
  4. Presentation of National Trophies.   Preferably with involvement of National Sponsors and / or their representatives. Rosettes etc as arranged.
  5. Address by the National Secretary.  (5-10 Minutes).  Conclude with:
    • National Judges Exam.    Advise outcome and welcome new Judge if applicable.   Call on ANBC President to present Certificate and National Judges Coordinator to present badge.   National Secretary will provide framed certificate and engraved badge.  Will need to arrange for engraving, if possible, post the exam on Friday.
    • Hall of Fame.
      • Breeder Excellence Division – update.  Some will be within striking distance and if the necessary wins are gained will be inducted.  Won’t know till Sunday.  (National Secretary will provide framed certificate if applicable). 
      • Honour Roll (for Service) Division – If applicable, National Secretary will provide framed certificate and give a summary of the reason for induction. 
  6. ANBC Fundraising.   From time to time there may be an auction of item/items of interest to members to enhance ANBC Funds. 
  7. Invitation (to the gathered fancy) by a representative of next Host State/Zone to attend next year’s National event. 
  8. Any updated information concerning the return of the State/Zone teams or any other administrative details to be notified.  i.e. Council Meeting or tours. 


Attachment 3 to By-Law 1 (a) 


The container has been set up to provide all the equipment necessary to conduct the ANBC Annual Championship Show.

Container includes the following equipment 



  • 44 double compartment holding cages (6 per zone and 2 spare) – locks available 
  • 251 show cages (30 plus 3 spares per zone and 20 for auction birds – the show cages are stored in the wooden boxes – these boxes are used to sit the holding cages on in the holding room) 
  • 12 wire cages for auction birds (they hold 24 pair) 
  • Feeder dishes – 168 (24 per zone) 
  • Drinkers – 84 (12 per zone) 
  • 7 hospital cages (1 per zone) 
  • 20 tables (2 per zone, remaining 6 for where ever required in holding room) 
  • 1 x 10 Lt urn (holding room) 
  • 1 small bar fridge (holding room) 
  • Staging for prejudging, display and auction birds (215 rails, 30 legs and bracing) 
  • Staging for judging (6 stands, 8 timber boards, bracing) 
  • Lighting for judging stands (aluminium framing, lights and leads) 
  • 20 bollards (to be placed around display birds) 



Each kit is contained in a plastic bin with the zones name  

  • Small multi-purpose sprayer 
  • 2 Lt plastic jugs with measurer 
  • Plastic tumbler 
  • Scissors x 1 
  • Tweezers x 1 
  • Syringes (10 ml) – no crop needles supplied 
  • Tissues x 1 box 
  • Wipes and Chux 
  • Cotton buds and Cotton balls 
  • Power board x 1 

These kits are to be repacked by the team carers who must ensure all items are included as that team will be given the same bin at the following show and items missing will be their responsibility to resource. 



  • Hair dryers x 3 
  • Desk lamps x 7 (one per zone) 
  • 14 x 20 litre plastic buckets (2 per zone) 
  • 8 medium size garbage bins (1 per zone & 1 work area) 
  • Catching nets x 2 
  • 1 x 10m extension lead 
  • 7 x 3m extension lead 
  • 1 power board 
  • Baby shampoo and oil 
  • Sink and hand wash disinfectants 
  • Paper towels 



  • Basic Energy and Electrolyte Supplements and Probiotics eg Spark 
  • Tea, Coffee, Milk & Sugar along with disposable drinking Cups 
  • Clean Water (preferably bottled) 

Should teams want specific items for their birds it is suggested that they supply those 



  • Seed x qty (refer to ANBC Secretary) 
  • Groats/Hulled Oats (refer to ANBC Secretary) 
  • Millet Sprays (refer to ANBC Secretary) 



Vet and Carer Checks 

  • Birds assessed visually soon after arrival and again once they have settled in 
  • Observation should be continued regularly throughout the time the birds are on site 
  • Any ill bird noticed by carers or stewards should be bought to the attention of the vet 
  • Medications and/or fluid replacement therapy may be required 
  • Maintain individual records for any ill birds and any medications used. This information should travel back with the birds when they return home 
  • Have arrangements to house any birds that are too ill to travel home 
  • Carer mobile phone contacts are held by Security 



At the end of the auction the following process should be adopted: 

  1. Dismantle display and prejudging staging – this can then be taken to the container
  2. Dismantle judging stands and lighting – this can be stored in container 
  3. Auction bird holding cages – wiped out and taken to container 
  4. Auction bird show cages – wiped out and placed in travel boxes 
  5. At end of the show each zone is responsible for cleaning their show cages and placed in the cloth bags prior to being place in the travel boxes 
  6. Hospital cages, urn, fridge and carer kits must be packed before any show cage box and holding cage boxes are packed.
  7. Tables are to be loaded last and tied down 



Attachment 4 to By-Law 1 (a) 


 Judges Examination – Detailed Requirements 

  • The room should have up to six desk/tables and chairs, and be available from 1:30pm on Friday.  
  • The theory examination will commence at 2:00pm and be completed by 3:00pm on Friday.  
  • The practical examination preliminaries will commence at 3:00pm and be completed (hopefully) by 5:00pm on Friday. 
  • The room should have 2 banks of staging each able to hold up to 15 birds on one side.  
  • If the “practical” room is separate to the theory examination then it will need to have up to three desk/tables and six chairs and be available from 1:30pm Friday (if it is the same room as the theory examination then only the staging is required). 
  • The Host State/Zone members to provide 15 Normal Green ASC birds (cocks or hens) and 15 Variable (standard) Variety birds (cocks or hens). These birds to be provided, in standard show cages, by 2:00pm on the Friday and will be available to be returned to the owners/handlers at around 5:00pm the same day (Judges Coordinator will arrange this).  


Judges Panel Meeting   

  • A room for the Judges Panel meeting and workshop to be available for 3 hours. (Preferably Sunday following Judging).  
  • The room to have desk/table and chairs to seat 4 people at the front and seating for up to 40 people. 
  • The room should be capable of being closed-off for the duration of the meetings.  
  • This room will be also be used for the workshop (if planned) at the completion of the Judges Panel meeting.  


Attachment 5 to ANBC BY-LAW 1 (a) 


Team Birds. 

  • Member Body Team Birds – These are birds registered as part of the Member Body Team under the current ANBC rules and held in the Secure Bird Holding Area. 
  • Exhibition Class Birds – These are nominated birds within the Member Body Teams which have been entered in the Show against classes on the ANBC Show Schedule and are judged and allocated points. 
  • Additional Classes – Council can approve and may approve the inclusion of additional classes to promote a variety not already included on the ANBC Show Schedule.   These classes may be approved as an Exhibition Class to be judged and allocated points or as a Promotional Class which may or may not be judged or allocated points as is decided by Council.   States/Zones provide 3 birds each for these classes.  Birds in these classes, if approved by Council, are held with Member Body Teams in the Secure Bird Holding Area. 

Birds for Judges Accreditation Exam 

  • The host State/Zone will be requested to provide birds for the practical elements of the National Judges’ Accreditation Exam.  These birds are required only on, and for the examination day.  They are not to be held in the Secure Bird Holding Area. 

Birds for the National Judges’ Workshop 

  • The Host State/Zone will be requested to provide birds for the National Judges’ Workshop.  These birds are required only on, and for, the Sunday workshop.  They are not to be held in the Secure Bird Holding Area. 

Display Birds 

  • From time-to-time, Council may approve a display of birds at the national to enable discussions in sub-committees such as the Colour and Standards Committee or to promote and gauge general interest in a variety.   Host States/Zones may request, or be requested by Council, to provide such displays with support from the ANBC Secretary in sourcing birds should this be required. These birds are not to be held in the Secure Bird Holding Area. 

Auction Birds 

  • It has become customary as part of the Host/State Zone fund raising effort to hold an Auction of Budgerigars during the National Show weekend.   These birds are not to be held in the Secure Bird Holding Area. 


Attachment 6 to ANBC By-Law 1(a) 

ANBC Guidelines for Bird Welfare for Budgerigars travelling to and from the National Show 


  • Modified from recommendations supplied by Dr Michael Cannon BVSc, MACVSc (Avian Health), GradDipEd 
  • Intended as a minimum set of basic Guidelines which may be implemented by States/Zones 
  • More detailed recommendations have been compiled by Dr Rob Marshall BVSc, MACVSc (Avian Health) as an extension to these minimum Guidelines and if so desired are available from ANBC Secretary. 
  • There may be specific requirements for individual Zones where certain endemic diseases are more common than elsewhere 
  • Brand names of products have not been stated since products available may vary from place to place and it is not our intention to recommend one product over another 
  • By entering a bird for Zone selection the breeder agrees to these minimum Guidelines 

There are 3 broad aims of the following protocols 

  • To minimise stress on individual birds 
  • To prevent any diseases that may break out from passing to other birds 
  • To treat any ill birds that become apparent during the National Show 

What breeders do before sending birds to States/Zones Selection 

  • Parasite control and antibiotic treatment as below is the responsibility of the individual breeder long before travel to States/Zones selection and the National Show 

In the months leading up to States/Zones selection recognise potential problems in your flock and treat your flock if required 

  • Internal parasites such as worms 
  • External parasites such as scaly-face  
  • Coccidia 
  • Megabacteria  
  • Canker (Trichomonas) 
  • Psittacosis (Chlamydia) 
  • Finally, a recognised avian probiotic to replace required gut microflora 

Only send birds for States/Zones selection if you know they are in good condition and health 

Do not send ANY birds if there are significant health issues in the rest of the flock 

Enhance the diet several weeks before to bring bird into optimal condition for travel 

In the week prior to the zone selection apply lice and mite spray to all birds 

Cease green feeding several days prior to States/Zones selection 

For 1-2 days prior to travel to Zone selection provide a recognised energy and electrolyte supplement 

Check that travel cages have been cleaned and disinfected 

Provide a note to the carers stating that your birds have been wormed etc; what you have done/given to them to prepare them for the States/Zones selection National Show 


What do States/Zones do with the birds in the week prior to Travel 

  • Health interventions such as energy and electrolyte supplements and probiotics may be undertaken by the Zone, in order to minimise travel stress, which may render the bird more susceptible to disease and a source of transmitting infection to other birds 

Keep records of birds that are housed together as they enter the holding area such as ring number, owner name and contact details 

  • As far as practical keep birds from different owners separated in holding cages and when travelling 
  • Supply fresh water (changed daily) seed & millet sprays, with Groats on the first day  
  • For 1-2 days prior to travel to the National Show provide a recognised energy and electrolyte supplement  
  • Any bird that feels “light” or is ill should be immediately isolated and the owner contacted. Wash hands after handling such a bird and before handling any other bird 
  • Sick birds do not travel to the national event 

Travel to the National Event  

  • No birds, other than the States/Zones Team, to be allowed in the travel cages or the holding area of the National Show 
  • Travel cages have previously been cleaned and disinfected 
  • Book the most direct return flights and minimise wait time when transhipment is necessary 
  • For early departures ensure lights on at least an hour prior to boxing to enable birds to drink and fill their crops with seed 
  • Supply fresh seed and/or millet sprays for travel 
  • Arrive at the venue as early as possible after it opens to allow birds to settle prior to lights out 

Arrival at the National Event 

  • Same as relevant parts of What States/Zones need do with the birds in the week prior to travel 
  • Spread seed mix, millet sprays and (for the first day) Groats on the floor of the holding cages to ensure immediate access to all birds as they are checked out of their carry cages supply energy and electrolyte supplement in water. 
  • Any sign of illness in a bird must be notified to the on-site vet immediately  
  • Once vet has finished the examination any recommendations should be discussed with the carers and then if deemed necessary with the owner, if possible  


The host States/Zones provides the following at the venue (See also ANBC Attachment 3 to By-Law 1(a) for wider clarification) 

  • Hospital cages,  
  • Energy and electrolyte supplement and probiotic 
  • Clean water 
  • Seed mix 
  • Millet sprays and Groats 
  • 1ml and 3ml syringes and suitable crop needles and food (not suppled) and not a procedure for the uninitiated 
  • Disinfectant station(s) with paper towels  
  • Have arrangements to house any birds that are too ill to travel home  

Handling and treatment in the holding venue 

  • Vet and Carer Checks:  
    • Birds assessed visually soon after arrival and again once they have settled in 
    • Observation should be continued regularly throughout the time the birds are on site  
    • Any ill bird noticed by carers or stewards should be brought to the attention of the vet  
  • Medications and/or fluid replacement therapy may be required  
  • Maintain individual records for any ill birds and any medications used. This information should travel back with the birds when they return home  
  • Carer mobile phone contacts are held by Security 

Preparation for travel back to zone 

  • Same as relevant parts of What Zones need to do with the birds in the week prior to travel and same as relevant parts of Travel to the National Event  
  • If any bird is too ill to travel it may need to stay until fit to travel 

Handling and treatment once the birds are back in the Zones holding establishment 

  • Allow birds to settle down when they arrive back in their home zone before releasing them to the owners, preferably after they have received an electrolyte supplement 
  • Clean and disinfect travel cages as soon as possible 

Handling when arrive at owner’s aviary 

  • Quarantine birds for a minimum 6 weeks  
  • If the birds are ill when they arrive home, the 6 weeks quarantine begins from recovery  
  • Supply an energy and electrolyte supplement for one week 
  • Any sick birds should be taken to an avian vet for examination to identify the cause and to prescribe treatment to avoid any problems being passed on to the rest of the flock  

Breeder to advise home Zone committee if any health problems arise during the minimum 6 weeks quarantine period at owners’ aviary(ASAP) 

Note below is a few of the products available that may help 

Product Reason Used 
Coopex Powder Cleans up mites & lice, does not hurt the birds. 
Quik Gel Contains polysaccharides, vitamins & organic acid, can really turn a bird’s health around in 90% of cases if used early enough
Nilstat Treatment following over use of antibiotics, which may have caused Thrush in the birds.
Electrolite To try & prevent dehydration in birds which are unwell, & give healthy birds a lift also.
KD Powder If birds have a sickness problem, KD powder will hopefully hold them & prevent the problem from getting any worse 
Canker Medication Ronivet S, or Turbosole
Chlorsig 1% eye ointment Available in both cream and drops, good for clearing up eye infections 
Coopers Nilverm Bird wormer