The ANBC reserves the right to raise funds as and when required to assist in the running of the annual event or other events associated with the enhancement of the hobby that it sees fit.

These fundraising activities will be discussed and agreed upon by members from states/zones at the Annual Delegates meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Championship Shows.

Fundraising could arise from accumulation of monies from any aspect of the hobby, including as examples, Closed Ring Levies and sale of intellectual property owned exclusively by the ANBC.

Where levies are utilised for fund raising full contractual arrangements are to be maintained on file to ensure any future National Secretary change allows an incoming officer to be fully conversant with these fundraising activities.

All monies raised will be receipted by the National Secretary in the usual manner and appear on financial statements listed separately.

Fees may be charged for trade stands and the like at the annual event however these fees are the property of the host state and are negotiated by that host state.



Sponsorship monies and activities in this area come under the control of the National Secretary.

Negotiations in this area are undertaken by the National Secretary and agreed upon by the National Executive after consultation with states/zones.

Contractual arrangements are also solely controlled by the National Secretary and copies of current contracts are to be held on file for viewing if required by states/zones. These contracts are top contain timeframes to completion to ensure any future National Secretary change allows an incoming officer to be fully conversant with these financial activities.