Australian National Budgerigar Council, Incorporated By –Law 7 (a)


At the 2016 Delegates Meeting in Mackay North Queensland it was determined that the ring issue date will remain at the 1st January annually.

This date remains in force for a period of five years (2021) given this issue is deemed one of major significance. Advance notification should be given to pursue any change to that annual issue date to ensure states/zones are fully conversant with any proposed change.


All activities regarding closed leg rings are controlled and monitored by the ANBC National Secretary in consultation with the ANBC Executive. The Secretary alone instructs states and zones on current activities.

Each State/Zone will appoint a state Ring Registrar who in turn will be that state/zone contact with the ANBC National Secretary.

Individual clubs shall appoint a person to address local matters with rings and his or her contact will be that local State/Zone Ring Registrar.

Each Ring Registrar will need to keep a master record of the names, codes and the rings ordered for their state/zone.


Ordering process/document is to be the same at all levels so that each order can be transcribed to the next level order electronically.


(This sequencing is based on requirements of the current Ring Manufacturer who is Coditech based in Belgium. Should this supplier be changed sequencing and processing will require change in this By-Law)

States/Zones may predetermine dates for ordering rings with clubs to suit however the following dates are non-negotiable

State/Zone total ring orders are to be confirmed with the National Secretary by June 30. (At this stage, the order must specify only the total number of rings to be ordered. It is not necessary to provide a full list of breeders’ names and codes as this task takes place when the official order is placed).

Full Payment will be made by direct transfer into the ANBC Ring Account.

On 1stJuly the National Secretary will advise the ring manufacturer of the volume expectations.

The ring manufacturer will provide a username and password for each State / Zone to enable direct ordering on line.

July 1-14 (or a later date if agreed by the National Secretary) State/Zone Ring Registrars then order on line.

When the data has been processed on line, a confirmation copy of the order will be sent by the manufacturer immediately to the State/Zone Ring Registrar and to the National Secretary.

The online entry does not include the individual names of the people placing the orders, only their code.

It is possible to complete some steps in advance, but every effort should be made to place the order on time because of an agreement with the Manufacturer that full production will be completed within twelve weeks of the placement of the order. All consignments are to be dispatched as they are processed with the final batches reaching Ring Registrars by the third week of November after completion of any import procedures.

All orders, once received, must be checked for correctness by the ring registrars or club ring officers.

Rings can be pre-packaged for distribution from 5th December and then posted on 15th December to reach members as close to January 1st as is possible.


The current approved coding of the rings allows for five characters that may be used for individual/partnership codes, club codes or state/zone codes or combinations of club and individual. Current State/Zone codes are listed below and can only be changed with approval of National Secretary.

All rings will contain ANBC lettering.

All rings are to be ordered in multiples of 25, 25 being the minimum for any individual initial or subsequent order.

Ordering Process

Log in at  Choose Language (English)

  1. Enter username and password (issued annually)
  2. Each code is automatically numbered. For each code enter the following:
    • Page: This is used where an order is in several parts, for example when an order is being placed for several clubs. Allocate a number for each part. For example, in SA four clubs place orders. They could be numbered 1-4. If your order does not fall neatly into parts simply number them all Page 1.
    • Club: This will be for your Member Body ID: C for Capricornia (Nth Q), N for NSW, Q for Sth Q, S for SA, T for Tasmania, V for Victoria, W for WA. This letter will be placed on each ring immediately before the ring number eg T 001.
    • Breeder: This can be up to five characters, letters and/or numbers. It can be an individual or partnership code such as HH2; a club or zone ID such as BCV, or combine the two such as PBSBP (Pied Budgerigar Society, Bob Pitt) or BCTF1 (Budgerigar Council of Tasmania, J&J Fletcher)
    • Current Ring Size: 4.5mm minimum.
    • Quality: enter code advised by the manufacturer (example ORZA) This is the Colour.
    • Quantity: Minimum 25, maximum 9975
    • First number: enter the first number required on the ring (the last number is automatically calculated). Some individuals do not necessarily commence from the number 1 and follow up orders must follow the numbering of an earlier order, in multiples of 25.

The ordering process is simple, move from one field to the next using TAB and from one entry to the next using Enter. Some of the data will remain on the screen so you don’t have to enter it again and again.

You can take a break and logout at any time, but it is recommended this be done at the end of a page.

You should try to make provision for new members, bumper breeding seasons etc and order enough rings to cover such eventualities. Repeat orders can be placed by the State / Zone Ring Registrar in February and June but are to advise the ANBC Secretary in advance of the ordering. These repeat orders will attract a penalty of $40 per order and this will be paid to the National Secretary along with the cost of rings for that order.